
5 Powerful Content Marketing Strategy Tips for Better Conversion

  • 7 minute read
Leads into Wins-01

Are you actively producing content but not seeing many conversions? Do you constantly ask yourself what is that conversion-making element that is lacking from your content marketing strategy? We’re here to help! 

It’s easy to get lost when it comes to content marketing. In most cases, the result of the content turns out very different from what you first envisioned. Many factors play a role, that is why most companies fail to generate leads with content, especially B2B companies. Whether it’s in the planning stage you need to revise or in the content itself, we’ll go over various tips that will help develop a content marketing strategy that is conversion-oriented.

Tip No. 1: Present a Consistent Vision throughout your Content Marketing Strategy

You might’ve heard about this one before, but it’s always a good idea to assess whether the result follows this advice. Many companies work with different content creators whether it’s in-house or outsourced. As a result, the content is very inconsistent and fails to deliver a strong brand voice that will leave a lasting impression on the visitor. 

There are several ways you can put this into practice. First off, start with hiring an editor, or just decide who will take care of it in your team. Secondly, to make the editing consistent, create a tone of voice guideline. This document can later serve as an onboarding tool if you decide to hire an editor in the future.

Now that the setup is done, make sure that every piece of content follows the tone of voice guideline. You can share this document with your content writers as well. And once the content is submitted, go over the guideline every time to make sure that all the points are met, if not edit the content. The process should be the same for visual content. If you have a designer that you work with, make sure that the visual style is also consistent throughout. 

The consistency in content helps in leaving a memorable impression that will increase the chances of the visitor to come back to your brand when they are looking for a similar product. This, in turn, will make your content more effective in bringing in conversions.

Tip No. 2: Perfect the Art of Sticking with a Content Calendar

You can consider this tip as an extension of the previous one. Using a content calendar will not only help you keep the posting consistent but also give you a larger look at your content. It’s always helpful to look at the larger picture. Especially when strategizing. 

A content calendar will make your efforts more streamlined and conversion-oriented. Don’t just plan for short periods. Take the time to plan ahead but of course, always leave room for flexibility. You of course shouldn’t have the year ahead set in stone and stick to it. Sometimes there are unexpected trends and spikes in interests that you need to jump on, but it’s always a good idea to have a stream of consistent content that you will publish.

In this case, your goal is to convert, so take a look at your content calendar and make sure that the topics you chose can serve that goal whether it’s with the content itself or through an effective call to action.

Tip No. 3: Strategize with Topic Clusters

This tip mostly relates to articles and blog posts that you publish on your website. If you haven’t heard about topic clusters, you’re missing out on a great content technique that is not only great for content creation and SEO but also conversions. 

Here’s how it works: you pick topics that are relevant to your niche, and develop topic clusters. Let’s say your brand produces eyewear – sunglasses, eyeglasses, and contact lenses. Those three product lines are in themselves three major topics that you can form topic clusters but you can dig a little deeper. The possibilities are limitless. 

How do topic clusters help in conversions? Quality coverage of a niche topic makes your brand look like a thought leader in that particular topic and attracts more visitors to your website. This technique is mostly known for SEO optimization because it’s a great way to rank for that specific keyword.

Once you start publishing your subtopics, make sure to interlink the content. This means that you should add links that lead to other subtopics under that topic cluster. Some companies even create so-called Pillar Pages, which serve as a table of content for the topic cluster. Some prefer to even showcase the whole content on the pillar page. 

Topic clusters are a great way to get more exposure for your content and get visitors to spend more time on your website. If you’re smart about it and showcase your product throughout, you can make a lasting impression on the visitor and increase the chances of them converting.

Tip No. 4: Call to Action in a Way That Can’t Be Refused

It’s obvious that Call to Actions (CTAs) are what drive visitors to convert on the page, yet so many companies don’t put as much effort as is necessary. CTAs shouldn’t just say sign up or contact us. 

Use this section of your content to briefly yet convincingly present what your company does and your selling points. Regardless of your brand’s tone of voice, try to make your CTA sound exciting and confident. You want the reader to get excited about all the possibilities converting on your website will bring to them. Keep in mind that converting can mean both filling out a form and buying a product in this case. 

And let’s not forget about the call to action part itself. Make sure that it’s very straightforward and easy to follow. For example, if you want the visitor to book a demo call, don’t ask them to navigate to a different page to do so. Put the form directly below the CTA. 

Tip No. 5: Stick with the Same Content Writer

It’s essential to invest in a good writer. The right candidate not only has an engaging writing style but also good research skills. The latter is important so that the content pieces you receive are well researched and accurate. This will save a good amount of time for you and will instead let you concentrate on the overall strategy more. 

Sticking with one writer for as long as possible is also another great way to ensure that your content is consistent and highly conversion-oriented. The better the writer knows your product and your audience, the better the content. If it’s a possibility for you budget-wise, you should seriously consider hiring an in-house writer for all your content needs. This will ensure that your content writer is fully immersed in your brand and your target audience. 

It’s impossible to keep a consistent brand voice when working with different writers every time. Unless someone from your team heavily edits each piece to ensure that. It’s also smarter to focus on one writer and coach them to write the way that aligns with your content marketing strategy.

To effectively coach a writer, make sure you leave constructive and empathetic comments on parts you want to be changed. In long term, it’s better to get the writers to do the rewrites so they can understand what exactly you want. Don’t just write a vague comment like “I don’t like it, please change it.” Also, avoid dry, passive-aggressive comments, you want to build a strong relationship with your writer and comments like that will make working with you an unpleasant experience – and that’s a guaranteed way to lose a writer. 

* * *

If you closely follow the 5 tips we presented above in this article, we guarantee that you will see a significant difference in your conversion rates. Content marketing is popular for a reason, but its trendiness what makes it so challenging – it’s harder to stand out in the ever-growing noise. 


If you’re still having a hard time mastering this marketing artform and need help with your B2B content marketing strategy, we’re here to help! We at PMG360 have been helping B2B companies to promote their products on the web for more than a decade. Thanks to our vast experience across various industries we can help you achieve your goals with minimized trial and error. You can trust PMG360 with lead generation efforts such as:

  • Developing a content marketing strategy that is conversion-driven.
  • Creating and managing Email Marketing campaigns that keep your leads engaged.
  • First-party digital display advertising to effectively expose the brand to relevant new audiences. 
  • Immediate access to the largest database of our engaged audiences from various industries through Data Licensing.

We can tell you more about all the ways we can help you excel your marketing and sales goals, just reach out to us for a free consultation call! 


P.S. Don’t worry, we won’t litter your inbox by sending promotional emails to your inbox without your consent. 

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