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Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Tech Brief

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are becoming essential parts of the landscape for businesses and consumers alike as we rely on big data and digital processing to enhance our work and lives. AI & Machine Learning Tech Brief delivers insights and updates on the fast-changing field.

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Big Data & Analytics Tech Brief

Data is being created by everyone and every digital device, and it is being stored, analyzed, and reused by companies for all kinds of purposes. Big Data & Analytics Tech Brief delivers insights into how big data is being used and what organizations can do with the data they are collecting.

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ERP Global Insights

ERP Global Insights informs and entertains professionals with a quick-and-easy read that is vital to their company success. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a business process management software that allows an organization to use a system of integrated applications to manage day-to-day business activities, such as accounting, human resources, project management, and manufacturing.

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FinTech News Brief

Fintech News Brief is an electronic publication for FinTech professionals that helps them stay ahead of the latest industry challenges and further their own careers.

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Nonprofit Technology News

With an audience of senior nonprofit decision makers, Nonprofit Technology News is the only independent information source that focuses solely on nonprofit technology news, accounting, fundraising, reviews, and new products. The comprehensive newsletter explores the products that impact the nonprofit industry including computer workstations, networking routers/devices, software applications, enterprise servers, data storage, enterprise security, virus protection, email filtering and monitoring systems and database management tools.

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Progressive Law Practice

Progressive Law Practice provides technology insights for increased productivity and profitability to an audience that ranges from big law firms to corporate counsel, to small and solo firms. The comprehensive, yet diverse newsletter also offers timely information about technology and the news that appeals to the emotional side of the profession.

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Security Tech Brief

Security Tech Briefs is an electronic publication that helps professionals tasked with safeguarding systems, information, and data to stay ahead of the latest industry challenges and further their own careers.

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Successful Business News

Successful Business News connects with small businesses owners and sales executives responsible for critical purchasing decisions. Serving multiple industries from construction and manufacturing to finance, accounting, retail, medical and nonprofits, the newsletter provides news, sales and marketing, accounting, retail, medical and nonprofits, the newsletter provides news, sales and marketing, accounting and banking, technology, operations, legal, and lifestyle content to these influential small and midsize business decision makers so they can manage and grow their businesses.

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Supply Chain Technology News

Supply Chain Technology News (SCTN) is a website and newsletter dedicated to serving supply chain decision makers globally. In addition to providing supply chain and enterprise resource planning (ERP) professionals with timely, industry-relevant information, SCTN is committed to helping its audience stay competitive by covering the full gamut of supply chain practices and technologies so supply chain professionals can stay on top of rapid technology advances and how the operation evolves for efficiency and profit.

Tax Prep News
Tax Prep News

Tax Prep News serves the tax preparation professionals that want to stay ahead in their profession by covering technology and regulatory developments related to personal and business preparation work.

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The Progressive Accountant

Created specifically for decision-makers at public accounting firms, The Progressive Accountant website and newsletter provide tax and accounting professionals with information, insight and analysis needed to succeed. In addition to regular columns and editorials from thought leaders and industry experts, The Progressive Accountant offers breaking news, product/service reviews, interviews, how-to articles, and best practice advice.

PMG360 Markets And Buyer Personas

Accounting / Finance

1,045,796 Subscribers


778,012 Subscribers

Human Resources

491,076 Subscribers


2,471,290 Subscribers


662,584 Subscribers

Sales / Marketing

1,214,749 Subscribers


1,554,195 Subscribers


779,931 Subscribers

ERP Value Add:

24,651 Subscribers


1,647,080 Subscribers


276,256 Subscribers

Law/Legal Service:

395,077 Subscribers

Manufacturing / Distribution

797,282 Subscribers


127,976 Subscribers


1,068,189 Subscribers


125,054 Subscribers


770,019 Subscribers


5,369,667 Subscribers