
Apollo vs Instantly. Which Lead Generation Tool is Right for Your Business?

  • 20 minute read
Apollo vs Instantly-01

Choosing the right tool for lead generation can make or break your sales efforts. We surveyed 100 business owners to get their take on two popular platforms: Apollo and Instantly. Both tools offer distinct advantages, but the right choice depends on what your business needs most. 

Apollo is known for its all-in-one solution, integrating CRM, email campaigns, and lead data. On the other hand, Instantly focuses on cold email outreach, offering a simpler, more streamlined experience. In this article, we’ll break down the survey results to show which platform business owners prefer and why—covering everything from features and pricing to ease of use and target audience. We’ll also discuss how PMG360 stands apart by offering a personalized lead generation service that goes beyond these tools. 


Overview of Apollo and Instantly

Apollo and Instantly are both designed to streamline lead generation, but they do so in different ways. Based on our survey, business owners described Apollo as a powerful, all-in-one lead generation platform. It combines CRM capabilities, email campaigns, lead management, and sales automation into one package. This makes it ideal for teams looking for a platform that integrates various sales and marketing activities. 

Instantly is more focused on cold email outreach, allowing businesses to quickly launch and manage email campaigns. Its simplicity appeals to smaller teams or solo marketers who need to get emails out without managing an entire sales funnel. With Instantly, campaigns can be set up in minutes, making it a favorite for users who value speed and ease of use over extensive features. 

While Apollo is ideal for businesses that want control over multiple aspects of their sales funnel, Instantly is built for speed and efficiency, particularly for cold outreach. Business owners who prefer Apollo often do so because they need a robust system that can manage more than just emails, while those who choose Instantly love its simplicity and ease of use for quickly getting their campaigns off the ground. 


Features and Capabilities

When it comes to features, Apollo is the more robust platform. It offers CRM functionality, lead management, and email automation, allowing businesses to handle everything from prospecting to closing deals. Apollo also offers advanced segmentation and targeting capabilities, allowing users to filter leads based on a wide range of criteria. This helps businesses target their outreach more effectively, increasing the chances of engagement. Several survey respondents praised Apollo’s ability to integrate with other tools in their sales stack, making it easier to manage data across multiple systems. 

Instantly, on the other hand, focuses purely on cold email campaigns. Its feature set is simpler, designed for businesses that only need to manage outreach without the additional layers of CRM or lead management. Instantly offers templates, automated follow-ups, and basic analytics to track open rates, click-throughs, and responses. Users also appreciate the ability to test and tweak email copy quickly, enabling fast iterations and improvements in email campaigns. 

While Apollo’s feature set is broad and appeals to teams that need multiple tools in one platform, Instantly is all about keeping it simple and fast. Survey participants who preferred Instantly often mentioned that they didn’t need the extra capabilities Apollo offers and appreciated that Instantly allowed them to focus purely on their outreach without the distractions of unnecessary features. 

Apollo vs Instantly


Ease of Use

When it comes to ease of use, the business owners we surveyed had distinct opinions about Apollo and Instantly. Apollo’s extensive feature set is both its strength and its weakness, depending on the user's needs. Several respondents described Apollo as a "powerhouse" but acknowledged that its complexity can create a steeper learning curve. For businesses with a dedicated sales or marketing team, this complexity might not be an issue, as they have the time and resources to fully explore its potential. However, for smaller teams or businesses that don’t need all the bells and whistles, Apollo’s interface can feel overwhelming at first. 

Some survey participants mentioned that while Apollo’s initial setup takes time, the platform pays off once teams become familiar with it. The amount of customization and control it offers can be invaluable for businesses looking to scale. Its dashboard includes a range of tools that require some level of learning, but for those willing to invest the time, it offers an all-encompassing sales management experience. 

On the other hand, Instantly is consistently praised for its simplicity and ease of use. The majority of business owners who preferred Instantly pointed out that the platform is designed for users who want to get up and running quickly. Its interface is straightforward, with minimal distractions, allowing users to focus solely on email outreach. There’s no complex setup, and most people can launch their first campaign within minutes. This makes Instantly a favorite among small teams, solo marketers, or businesses that don’t require advanced CRM or sales management tools. 

Survey respondents who favored Instantly loved how the platform keeps things focused. No unnecessary features or complex dashboards—just the tools you need to launch and manage cold email campaigns effectively. For these users, ease of use was one of the biggest factors in choosing Instantly over Apollo. 


Pricing and Value for Money

Pricing plays a significant role in the decision-making process for many businesses, and our survey revealed that opinions on cost varied depending on the specific needs of each company. Apollo, being a more feature-rich platform, comes with a higher price tag. Many respondents who favored Apollo acknowledged that while it’s not the cheapest option, the value it offers justifies the cost—especially for larger businesses or teams that need a full suite of tools to manage their sales process. For companies that require a robust CRM, detailed lead data, and automation, Apollo’s pricing is seen as an investment rather than an expense. 

Apollo offers tiered pricing based on the features and number of users, which can range from affordable for smaller teams to more costly for enterprise-level solutions. One survey respondent said, "Apollo’s pricing makes sense for what you get. It’s not just an email tool; it’s an entire sales engine." For businesses that can fully leverage its capabilities, the return on investment is high. 

Instantly, on the other hand, shines in the pricing department for smaller teams and individuals. Its pricing structure is far more affordable, and many survey respondents highlighted this as a key reason they chose it. For businesses that only need cold email outreach without all the extra features, Instantly’s pricing is hard to beat. Its straightforward plans make it accessible to startups, solo entrepreneurs, and small marketing teams. 

Several respondents also noted that Instantly’s low cost doesn’t mean sacrificing performance. For businesses focused primarily on email outreach, it delivers excellent value for money. One business owner shared, "For the price, Instantly does exactly what we need it to—no more, no less. It’s perfect for our budget." 


Integrations and Workflow Automation

In today’s business environment, integration and automation are key to streamlining workflows and reducing manual tasks. When comparing Apollo and Instantly, our survey found clear differences in how each platform approaches these aspects. 

Apollo is widely recognized for its robust integrations and workflow automation capabilities. Survey respondents who preferred Apollo consistently mentioned its ability to connect with various CRM systems, marketing platforms, and other tools. This makes it a go-to solution for businesses that rely on multiple software systems to manage their sales and marketing efforts. For example, Apollo integrates seamlessly with popular tools like Salesforce, HubSpot, and Slack, allowing teams to centralize their operations and avoid switching between platforms. Its open API also provides further flexibility for teams looking to customize their integrations. 

Automation is another area where Apollo excels. Users can set up complex workflows that automatically trigger tasks based on lead activity, such as follow-up emails, data updates, and lead scoring. Several respondents highlighted how Apollo’s automation features saved their teams time and reduced the chance of human error. By automating repetitive tasks, businesses can focus more on strategy and less on manual follow-ups. 

Instantly, by contrast, keeps things simple. While it doesn’t offer the same level of integrations or automation as Apollo, it does provide enough to support most cold email campaigns. Instantly integrates with Gmail and other email services, making it easy to send large volumes of emails without technical setup. It also offers basic automation features, such as setting up drip campaigns and scheduling follow-ups. For many businesses focused purely on outreach, this level of automation is sufficient. 

However, the limited integrations in Instantly may be a downside for businesses looking to scale beyond cold emailing. For example, those who want to sync their email data with a CRM or track lead activity across different platforms may find Instantly’s capabilities lacking. As one survey respondent noted, “Instantly is great for what it does, but once you start needing more complex workflows, you’ll quickly hit its limits.” 


Target Audience

One of the most important factors in choosing the right lead generation tool is understanding who it’s best suited for. Based on our survey, it’s clear that Apollo and Instantly cater to different types of businesses, and the choice often comes down to the specific goals and size of the team using the platform. 

Apollo is favored by larger teams or businesses with more complex sales processes. Survey respondents who chose Apollo typically ran operations that required more than just cold email outreach. They needed a tool that could handle CRM, manage leads, and automate follow-ups, all while integrating with other systems they already used. Apollo’s strength lies in its ability to bring together multiple aspects of the sales and marketing process into one platform. This makes it a great fit for mid-sized to large businesses, as well as sales teams that need to coordinate a lot of data and communication across different channels. 

Several respondents also pointed out that Apollo is ideal for businesses that are scaling or have a high volume of leads to manage. One business owner mentioned, “Apollo isn’t just for cold outreach; it helps us manage every step of the sales funnel, from prospecting to closing deals.” For teams with a need for detailed workflows and strong organizational capabilities, Apollo was the top choice. 

Instantly, on the other hand, is highly favored by smaller teams, solo marketers, and businesses that focus primarily on cold email outreach. According to our survey, those who opted for Instantly typically needed a tool that was easy to set up and simple to use, with a focus on getting email campaigns out the door quickly. This makes it an ideal platform for startups, freelancers, and smaller businesses that don’t require the additional layers of functionality that Apollo offers. 

For these users, simplicity and speed were key factors. Instantly allows them to get campaigns running in minutes, without the need for a steep learning curve. One respondent said, “Instantly fits perfectly with our needs—quick, effective cold email outreach without all the extra features we don’t use.” Businesses that need to focus exclusively on outreach, rather than managing the entire sales process, find Instantly to be an ideal choice. 


Cold Emailing Effectiveness

When it comes to cold emailing, the effectiveness of a platform is crucial. Both Apollo and Instantly offer cold email functionality, but they approach it from different angles, which impacts how business owners use these tools for their outreach campaigns. 

Apollo, as an all-in-one platform, includes cold emailing as part of its broader toolkit. Businesses using Apollo for cold email outreach appreciate the ability to manage the entire sales funnel from a single platform. One of the advantages noted by survey participants is the integration of lead data with email campaigns, allowing for more personalized and targeted emails. Users can also set up automated email sequences that trigger based on a lead’s actions, ensuring timely follow-ups without manual intervention. Some respondents mentioned that the advanced analytics in Apollo helped them refine their email strategies, using data like open rates and engagement to improve future campaigns. 

However, Apollo’s cold email features are just one piece of a much larger system. For businesses that want a simple, fast way to send cold emails without the additional layers of a CRM or sales funnel management, Apollo’s complexity can feel like overkill. Some respondents found that while Apollo is effective for cold emailing, the setup and learning curve can be a barrier for those who only need email functionality. 

Instantly, on the other hand, is designed specifically for cold emailing, making it the preferred choice for those who need a quick and easy solution. Survey respondents who favored Instantly consistently mentioned its speed and simplicity. The platform allows users to launch campaigns in minutes, track open rates, and set up automated follow-ups—all without the need for extensive setup or technical know-how. Instantly’s focus on cold emails makes it a straightforward solution for businesses that rely on this outreach method as their primary lead generation strategy. 

Respondents who preferred Instantly highlighted how the platform allowed them to send high volumes of emails with minimal effort. They appreciated its lightweight nature, which let them focus purely on outreach without distractions. While it lacks the deeper analytics and automation capabilities of Apollo, Instantly’s simplicity is its strength for teams that want to prioritize sending emails quickly and efficiently. 


Customer Support and Product Updates

Customer support and product updates are critical factors for businesses when choosing software, and Apollo and Instantly offer differing experiences in this area, as revealed by our survey. 

Apollo users highlighted its strong commitment to continuous improvement. Survey participants noted that Apollo frequently rolls out new features and updates, which keeps the platform aligned with the evolving needs of its users. These updates often address user feedback, bringing enhancements to existing features or adding new functionality. However, some respondents did mention that with frequent updates comes occasional bugs, especially when new features are introduced. While these issues are usually addressed quickly, they can be an inconvenience for businesses that rely on a smooth workflow. 

In terms of customer support, Apollo received positive feedback. Business owners reported that Apollo’s support team is responsive and helpful, especially for users who encounter challenges with the platform’s more complex features. Several respondents praised the availability of in-depth tutorials and resources that help new users navigate the platform. For teams that require assistance with integrating Apollo into their sales process, the support offered by the company was seen as a valuable asset. 

Instantly takes a simpler, no-frills approach to both product updates and customer support. As a platform focused on cold emailing, it doesn’t require as many updates or new features as a tool like Apollo. Many users appreciated this consistency, noting that the lack of frequent updates meant they didn’t have to worry about learning new features or dealing with unexpected bugs. That said, some respondents expressed a desire for more regular enhancements to improve the platform’s capabilities over time. 

Customer support for Instantly is generally regarded as efficient and straightforward. Given the platform’s ease of use, most users didn’t need to contact support frequently. When they did, they found the responses quick and to the point. For businesses focused on getting campaigns up and running without a lot of hassle, this level of support was seen as sufficient. While Instantly’s support team doesn’t offer the same depth of resources as Apollo, its simplicity means fewer users require hands-on assistance. 


A Better Choice for higher-quality, targeted leads. ? 

When it comes to generating high-quality leads, Apollo and Instantly offer solid tools for cold email outreach. But for businesses looking to go beyond automation and focus on higher-quality, targeted leads, PMG360 offers a different approach altogether.

Unlike Apollo and Instantly, we’re not a tool—you won’t need to learn a new platform or spend time setting up campaigns. PMG360 is a service that delivers highly targeted IT leads directly to you, allowing you to focus on closing deals instead of building lists. 

A Database Built for Success 

Our strength lies in our extensive database of over 2,471,290 IT subscribers. This isn’t just a list of names; it’s a curated, constantly updated database filled with IT professionals ready to engage with your business. We specialize in delivering leads that are not only relevant but also ready for action. While tools like Apollo and Instantly help you find leads, we bring them to you, taking the guesswork out of lead generation.

Finding leads on Apollo typically involves using their platform to search and filter through a vast database of contacts based on specific criteria like industry, job title, or company size. It's a self-service model where you actively search for and select the leads you want to pursue. 

In contrast, PMG360 brings leads to you through a comprehensive lead generation service. We leverage our first-party permission database of over 120 million records to deliver high-quality leads tailored to your specific needs. Our process includes audience segmentation, content creation, and sophisticated marketing outreach to ensure that the leads we provide are not only relevant but also more likely to convert. We handle the entire process, from identifying your ideal buyer to delivering qualified leads. 

AI-Driven Cold Calling 

PMG360 also offers AI cold calling services that set us apart from email-focused tools. Our AI-powered outreach connects you directly with potential leads through thoughtful, timely calls. This personalized approach creates meaningful engagement, often leading to higher conversion rates compared to cold emailing alone.

Many businesses miss out on the personal touch that a voice brings, and our AI helps bridge that gap, making initial contact more human and less robotic. 

Quality Over Quantity 

While automation tools are great for volume, they can’t always guarantee lead quality. At PMG360, we focus on providing leads that match your specific criteria, ensuring you get prospects that are most likely to convert.

Our clients often tell us that the leads we provide are more relevant and better suited to their needs compared to those generated by cold outreach tools. 

The Power of Personalization 

Every business is different, and PMG360 takes that seriously. We offer a personalized, hands-on service that tailors our lead generation efforts to your unique goals. Instead of relying on a one-size-fits-all tool, we work closely with you to understand your specific requirements and deliver leads that align with your business. 


Save Time, Focus on Sales 

One of the biggest advantages of working with PMG360 is the time savings. Tools like Apollo and Instantly require businesses to set up and manage their own campaigns. With PMG360, we take care of the heavy lifting.  

At PMG360, our campaign management services are designed to streamline your marketing efforts by handling everything from strategic planning to execution and optimization. We begin by aligning your business goals with a tailored campaign strategy, then execute it across multiple channels like email marketing and digital display advertising. Our team continuously monitors performance, making data-driven adjustments to optimize results. We ensure quality control throughout the process and provide comprehensive reporting at the campaign's conclusion, offering valuable insights and informing future strategies 

You don’t need to spend hours building email sequences or managing databases. Instead, you get high-quality leads delivered directly to your inbox, allowing your sales team to focus on what they do best:  selling!  

Schedule your free consultation call today! 

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